AGE REQUIREMENTS: A player’s age on 1/1 of each year determines the age classification in which the
player is eligible to participate. Seasonal years run from 9/1 until 8/31 of the coming year. 
 See age chart below.

4U Spartan Ball – 1/1/2017 – 12/31/2018
6U Tee Ball – 1/1/2015 – 12/31/2016
8U Coach Pitch – 1/1/2013 – 12/31/2014
10U Kid Pitch – 1/1/2011 – 12/31/2012
12U Kid Pitch – 1/1/2009 – 12/31/2010
14U Kid Pitch – 1/1/2007 – 12/31/2008
16U Kid Pitch – 1/1/2005 – 12/31/2006

All League Play will be governed by this Rule Book.

Bats: All bats must be unaltered official Softball bats & must have a current approved stamp.

The umpire may check bats at any time. Any illegal bats will be promptly removed from play and the
dugout. National High School Federation maintains a list of illegal bats that can be found online and
Bixby Youth Softball will enforce it. Use of illegal bat will result in an automatic out for the player using
the bat and the coach restricted to the dugout for the remainder of that game. If it happens the second
time the Coach will be ejected from the game.

EXCEPTION: Tee Ball bats will be allowed for 4U Spartan Ball and 6U Tee Ball only.

Balls: All game balls must be clearly stamped with FASTPITCH and .375 Compression and .47 COR.
4U – 10U will use a 11” ball in diameter
12U – 18U must use a 12” ball in diameter
Helmets: All batting helmets and catching gear must be NOCSAE approved and in original condition.
Numbers and personalized designs are okay.
Fielding Masks: Must be NOCSAE approved with no attachments including tinted sun shields.
Footwear: Shoes and socks must be worn and rubber molded cleats are recommended. Metal cleats are
only allowed for 14U and older.

4U Spartan Ball Rules

1. Ball: 11-inch Fastpitch ball, optic yellow in color with a maximum compression of 375 and a COR
rating of 47 will be used.
2. Distances:
a. The pitching rubber shall be set at thirty-five (35) feet for Spartan Ball.
b. Pitching circle shall be sixteen (16) feet in diameter around the pitching rubber.
c. The base length is sixty (60) feet.
3. Time Limits: Games shall have a 45 minute finish the batter limit. Games can end in a tie.
4. Runs per Inning: A maximum of 5 runs can be scored each inning for each team
5. Offensive Lineup: The batting lineup will consist of the roster. If a player is removed for
any reason, the spot in the batting order will be skipped with no out recorded.
6. Defensive Positions: The defensive team must have a minimum of six (6) and may have a maximum of
the roster in the field.
a. Defensive players must remain behind the pitcher’s plate line extended until the batter has
hit the ball.

b. One player shall be in the pitcher’s position on the pitching mound with at least one
foot within the pitcher’s circle at the start of each play. The pitcher cannot leave its
position until the ball is hit off the Tee.
c. Face mask or game face protective gear is recommended (Fielders
d. Six fielders including the catcher can be in the infield. The rest must be in the outfield.
The outfield is defined as at least 5 feet outside of the base lines in fair territory.
e. Catchers, if playing, must wear a helmet with face mask and stand at minimum 5 feet behind the
back of the Tee.
f. Defensive players are encouraged to wear face mask or game face
protective gear.

7. Tee: A Tee will be provided by the park for games, Coaches are welcome to bring their own standard
unaltered tee.
8. Offensive: The batter will be allowed Five (5) swings. If the batter misses the ball it will be counted as
a swing. If the ball goes foul, or the ball does not go over the 5’ Tee Arc, this will be considered a swing.
9. All offensive players must wear NOCSAE Batter/batting helmets with face mask while on the playing
10. There is no infield fly rule.
11. A runner may not leave a base until the ball put in play.
12. Stealing: A runner may not steal.
13. Offensive players may move one base per “fair territory” hit off the Tee.
14. Additional Coaches: In addition to base coaches, other coaches are allowed on the field of play.
a. The “Tee-Coach” may provide assistance to the batter prior to placing the ball on the Tee.
  The “Tee Coach” will then be responsible for removing the tee and bat from the baseline once
ball is hit.
b. Defensive coaches are allowed on the field of play to verbally instruct players only. Coaches
may not physically interfere with the defensive play or the offensive runners.

6U Modified Tee Ball

1. Ball: 11-inch Fastpitch ball, optic yellow in color with a maximum compression of 375 and a COR
rating of 47 will be used.
2. Distances:
   a. The pitching rubber shall be set at thirty-five (35) feet.
   b. The catcher’s arc is ten (10) feet from the point of home plate.
   c. The base length is sixty (60) feet.
3. Time Limits: Games shall have a 60 minute finish the batter limit. Games can end in a tie.
4. Runs per Inning: A maximum of 5 runs can be scored each inning for each team
5. Run Rule:  10/8/6 runs after innings 3/4/5.  Games shall be delcared over once teams are mathmatically eliminated.
6. Offensive Lineup: The batting lineup must contain the roster. If a player is removed for any
reason, the player removed cannot re-enter for the remainder of the game.
7. Defensive Positions: The defensive team must have a minimum of eight (8) and may have a maximum
of ten (10) players in the field.
a. Defensive players must remain behind the pitcher’s plate line until the batter has
hit the ball.
b. One player shall be positioned within the pitching circle with at least one foot within the circle at the start of each play. The pitcher cannot leave its position until the ball is in play or hit off the Tee.  If the pitcher fields a ball within the circle the player pitcher must throw to a base or home for the attempt out. 
c. The Pitcher is encouraged to wear a face mask or game face protective gear.
d. Six fielders including the catcher must be in the infield. The rest must be in the outfield. The
outfield is defined as at least 10 feet outside of the base lines in fair territory.
e. Catchers must wear protective gear-  Catchers Mask/Helmet with Protective Shield, Chest Protector and Shin guards.
f. Defensive players are encouraged to wear  face mask or game face protective
8. Tee: A Tee will be provided by the park for game play, Coaches are welcome to bring an unaltered Tee.

9.  Coach Pitcher: The coach pitcher must deliver the pitch with one foot within the pitching circle.
10. Offensive: The batter will receive a minimum of three (3) pitches from the coach. The 4th and 5th attempt can be taken from the Tee OR coach.  The 5th attempt must be fouled to receive additional pitch.  Sequence continues until batted fair or swing and miss. 
a. Bunting is NOT allowed.
b. All offensive players must wear NOCSAE approved helmets w face mask while on the
playing field.
11. There is no infield fly rule.
12. A runner may not leave a base until the ball has crossed the plate. Penalty for leaving early; runner will be
called out...
13. On a hit ball there is no limit on bases allowed.
15. Time will be called when a defensive player has possession of the ball and HALTS the lead runner
OR look-back rule becomes effective.  lf the runner is half way to the next base when time is called, the runner will be awarded the next base.
a. This rule does not preclude the Umpire from calling or granting time in situations such as
when a runner has slid into a base, requests time, no other runners are advancing, or there is an injured
16. Additional Coaches: In addition to base coaches, other coaches are not allowed on the field of play.
a. The “Tee-Coach” may provide assistance to the batter prior placing the ball on the Tee.
The “Tee Coach” will be responsible for removing the tee and bat from the baseline. Failure to remove the
tee from home plate or interfering with the play at home may result in the runner coming home being
called out.
b. One defensive coach will be allowed on the field of play behind the outfield players. No other defensive
coaches will be allowed on the field.

8U Coach Pitch

1. Ball: 11-inch Fastpitch ball, optic yellow in color with a maximum compression of 375 and a COR
rating of 47 will be used.
2. Time Limits: Games shall have a 60 minute finish the batter limit. Games can end in a tie.
3. Runs per Inning: A maximum of 5 runs can be scored each inning by each team.
4.  Run Rule:  10/8/6 runs after innings 3/4/5.  Games shall be delcared over once teams are mathmatically eliminated.
5. Offensive Lineup: Roster Batting. An automatic out will be taken if only eight (8) batters. Iif any player is removed from the game, they player must remain out for the remainder of the game.
6. Defensive Positions: The defensive team must have a minimum of eight (8) and a maximum of ten
(10) defensive players in the field, but no more than six (6), including the catcher, can be positioned
inside the infield baselines. NOTE: The use of a DP/Flex is not allowed in 8U. All players listed on the
lineup card will hit.
7. Player Pitcher: The player pitcher must have at least one foot in the pitcher’s circle when the batter’s
coach is pitching. No other defensive players may be positioned inside the pitcher’s circle at the same
time. The outfield is defined as the grass area on a regulation sized youth field or at least 10 feet beyond
the baselines for other playing surfaces.
8. Batting: The batter will receive five pitches or three swinging strikes, whichever occurs first. Each
pitch will count as one of the five even if the batter does not swing. If the fifth pitch is hit (not bunted)
foul the batter will remain at bat as long as they continue to foul off pitches.
a. The batter is out on a third strike whether caught or uncaught.
b. There shall be no Base on Balls (walk) awarded
c. Hitters hit by a pitch will not be awarded 1st base.
d. Bunting / slapping is allowed. Smashing (Show of fake bunt and then pull back into a full hit
away swing) is not allowed. PENALTY: The ball is dead, and the batter is out if the ball is
contacted. All other runners must return to the base occupied at the time of the pitch.
9. Infield Fly: The infield fly rule is not in effect. The ball remains “live” with all runners advancing at own risk.
10. Runners: A runner may not leave a base until the pitch leaves the pitcher’s hand. A runner who
leaves a base on a pitch is at risk, even on a non-batted ball. She may return to her
original base (unless forced to advance because the batter becomes a batter-runner), or she may
attempt to advance to a subsequent base. However, if the ball is not batted, at the conclusion of a play
involving a non-batted ball (i.e; an attempted pickoff), all outs stand, but any runners not put out must
return to the base occupied at the time of the pitch.
11. Stealing: A runner may not steal a base. At the conclusion of any play involving a NON-BATTED ball,
the ball is dead, all advances shall be nullified, and the runners shall be returned to the base occupied at
the time of the pitch. However, all outs shall stand.
12. Time will be called when a defensive player has possession of the ball and HALTS the lead runner
OR look-back rule becomes effective.  lf the runner is half way to the next base when time is called, the runner will be awarded the next base. The defensive team may have a maximum of 3 defensive conferences per
13. Additional Coaches: In addition to base coaches, only a coach in the pitcher’s circle is allowed on the
field of play.
14. Coach Pitcher: The coach pitcher must deliver the pitch with one foot within the pitching
The coach pitcher may only coach the batter prior to the pitch.
He/she MAY NOT coach the batter-runner at ANY time.
PENALTY: The batter is charged with a PITCH.
The coach pitcher must make an effort to avoid interfering with the play. If in the umpire’s judgment, a
coach interferes unintentionally with the batted ball and/or defensive play, the ball will be declared
dead and the pitch replayed. If in the umpire’s judgment, a coach interferes intentionally, the lead
runner is out and the play replayed. If there are no runners, the batter is out.

10U Kid Pitch

10U will follow and abide by the NFHS rule set with the following modifications.
1. Ball: 11-inch Fastpitch ball, optic yellow in color with a maximum compression of .375 and a COR
rating of .47 will be used.
2. Time Limits: Games shall have a 60 minute finish the inning limit. Games can end in a tie.
3. Runs per Inning: A maximum of 5 runs can be scored each inning by each team.
4.  Run Rule:  10/8/6 runs after innings 3/4/5.  Games shall be delcared over once teams are mathmatically eliminated.

5.  Time will be called when a defensive player has possession of the ball and HALTS the lead runner
OR look-back rule becomes effective.  lf the runner is half way to the next base when time is called, the runner will be awarded the next base.
6. Pitching Distance: The pitching distance will be 35 feet.  Bases 60'
7. Cleats: No Metal Cleats Allowed. Molded Rubber only.
8. 10U teams will play by the same rule set NFHS sets for older age divisions, with the only modifications
being permitted listed above.

12U Kid Pitch

12U will follow and abide by the NFHS rule set with the following modifications.
1. Ball: 12-inch Fastpitch ball, optic yellow in color with a maximum compression of 375 and a COR
rating of 47 will be used.
2. Time Limits: Games shall have a 60 minute finish the batter limit. Games can end in a tie.
3. Runs per Inning: A maximum of 5 runs can be scored each inning by each team.
4.  Run Rule:  10/8/6 runs after innings 3/4/5.  Games shall be delcared over once teams are mathmatically eliminated.
5. Pitching Distance: The pitching distance will be 40 feet.
6. Cleats: No Metal Cleats Allowed. Molded Rubber only.
7. 12U teams will play by the same rule set NFHS sets for older age divisions, with the only modifications
being permitted listed above.

14U & Older Kid Pitch

14U & above will follow and abide by the NFHS rule set with the following modifications for League play.
1. Ball: 12-inch Fastpitch ball, optic yellow in color with a maximum compression of 375 and a COR
rating of 47 will be used.
2. Time Limits: Games shall have a 60 minute finish the batter limit. Games can end in a tie.
3. Runs per Inning: A maximum of 5 runs can be scored each inning by each team.
4.  Run Rule:  10/8/6 runs after innings 3/4/5.  Games shall be delcared over once teams are mathmatically eliminated.


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